Na prodaju je ulični lokal na odličnoj lokaciji, na Martinovki u širem središtu Zagreba.
Lokal je trenutno koncipiran kao dvoetažni ugostiteljski objekt s dvije prostrane vanjske terase.
Prizemlje lokala s šankom i malim skladištem površine je 24m2, a galerija na kojoj se nalaze dva toaleta veličine 15m2.
Prostor se grije na toplanu, ima provedenu ventilaciju, a podovi su pokriveni granitnim pločama.
Uz cijelu površinu lokala nalazi se prostrana terasa veličine cca 30m2, kao i dodatna terasa uz travnatu površinu, na širokom prostoru pješačkog okruženja novije stambeno-poslovne zgrade.
Lokal je u odličnom stanju, uređen i spreman za brz početak rada te se nalazi u blizini brojnih fakulteta, ureda, parkinga i javnog prijevoza.
Lokal je moguće prenamijeniti za uporabu drugog sadržaja (ured, agencija i sl).
Realna cijena za kvalitetan poslovni prostor na prestižnoj lokaciji!
Moguća zamjena za stan u Zagrebu!
For sale is a street bar in a great location, on Martinovka in the wider center of Zagreb.
The restaurant is currently designed as a two-story restaurant with two spacious outdoor terraces.
The ground floor of the bar with a bar and a small storage area is 24m2, and the gallery where there are two toilets measuring 15m2.
The space is heated by a heating plant, has ventilation, and the floors are covered with granite slabs.
In addition to the entire area of the premises, there is a spacious terrace of approx. 30m2, as well as an additional terrace next to the grass area, in the wide area of the pedestrian environment of the newer residential and commercial building.
The premises is in excellent condition, decorated and ready for quick start of work and is located near numerous colleges, offices, parking and public transport.
The premises can be repurposed for the use of other contents (office, agency, etc.).
A realistic price for quality office space in a prestigious location!
Dino Braš
Suradnik u prodaji
GSM: +385 98 220 791